The Boost Graph Library (BGL)

Table of contents
  1. Overview
  2. Selector Types
  3. Graph
    1. Unweighted, Undirected Graph
    2. Unweighted, Directed Graph
    3. Weighted, Undirected Graph
    4. Weighted, Directed Graph
    5. Getting Graph Information
      1. Iterating Over Edges
        1. All Edges:
        2. Neighbors of a Vertex:


Algorithm Data Structure Runtime
boost::breadth_first_search   \(O(n + m)\)
boost::depth_first_search   \(O(n + m)\)
boost::dijkstra_shortest_path   \(O(n\log n + m)\)
boost::kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree Union Find \(O(m \log m)\)
boost::edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching   \(O(mn \cdot \alpha(m,n)), \alpha(m,n) \leq 4\)
boost::connected_components   \(O(n + m)\)
boost::biconnected_components   \(O(n + m)\)
boost::articulation_points   \(O(n + m)\)
boost::is_bipartite   \(O(n + m)\)

Selector Types

Specific containers from the STL can be used to configure the underlying structure of the OutEdgeList (out-edges) and VertexList (in-edges) in the graph represented by an adjacency_list.

Alias STL Container
vecS std::vector
listS std::list
slistS std::slist
setS std::set
multisetS std::multiset
hash_setS boost::unordered_set


We represernt a graph \(G = (V, E)\) as an adjacency_list. \(G\) has n vertices and m edges. The space complexity is \(O(n + m)\).

Unweighted, Undirected Graph

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,
                              > graph;
graph G(5);               // Initialize graph with 5 vertices {0,.., 4}
boost::add_edge(0, 1, G); // Add an edge in the undirected & unweighted graph `G`
boost::add_edge(0, 7, G); // Warning! This extends the list of vertices to {0,..., 7}

Unweighted, Directed Graph

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,
                              > directed_graph;

Weighted, Undirected Graph

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, 
                              boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, int>
                              > weighted_graph;
typedef boost::graph_traits<weighted_graph>::edge_iterator edge_it;      // edge iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<weighted_graph>::edge_descriptor edge_desc;  // edge descriptor

typedef boost::property_map<weighted_graph, boost::edge_weight_t>::type weight_map; // weight map
// initialize the graph with vertex count `n`, obtain empty weight map
weighted_graph G(5);
weight_map weights = boost::get(boost::edge_weight, G);
// add an edge {0, 1} and set weight to 3
const edge_desc edge = boost::add_edge(0, 1, G).first;
weights[edge] = 3;

Weighted, Directed Graph

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, 
                              boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, int>
                              > weighted_directed_graph;

We used default boost::no_property here. One can also use other BGL predefined vertex and edge boost::property to attach additional properties to the graph. Note that all property maps must be initialized and maintained manually!

Getting Graph Information

int n = boost::num_vertices(G);

Iterating Over Edges

  • with the definition of graph using the boost::adjacency_list as above
  • to unpack the iterators, one could use boost::tie(e_beg, e_end) = boost::edges(G) or std::tie (C++11) instead.

All Edges:

typedef boost::graph_traits<graph>::edge_iterator edge_it;
// iterate over edges in provided undirected graph
edge_it e_beg, e_end;
for (auto [e_beg, e_end] = boost::edges(G); e_beg != e_end; ++e_beg){
      std::cout << boost::source(*e_beg, G) << " "
                << boost::target(*e_beg, G) << '\n';

Neighbors of a Vertex:

  • the difference lies in the type of the iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph>::out_edge_iterator out_edge_it;
// for `G` undirected, `out_edges` is all incident edges
out_edge_it oe_beg, oe_end;
for (auto [oe_beg, oe_end] = boost::out_edges(0,G); oe_beg != oe_end; ++oe_beg){
  assert(boost::source(*oe_beg, G) == 0);
  std::cout << boost::target(*oe_beg, G) << '\n';