Nov 24, 2023 🏆 Our student cluster competition team RACKlette at ETH Zurich emerged as the overall winner @ SC23, Dallas 🇺🇸 student cluster competition, as the first European team ever since the first competition held! Honored to be part of the team and to be able to witness the moment with our hardworking teammates together on-site! Check out the blog and post
Nov 16, 2023 📢 I moderated the Julia for HPC Birds of a Feather session @ SC23, Dallas 🇺🇸
Sep 1, 2023 💼 I started to work as a research assistant in the Innovative Computing Lab (ICL) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville 🇺🇸 under the supervision of Prof. Hartwig Anzt. In the following 3 months, I will be working on creating a Julia wrapper package Ginkgo.jl for the C++-implemented Ginkgo library.
Jul 31, 2023 📋 I successfully defended my bachelor’s thesis in Institute of Geophysics 🇨🇭 under the supervision of Dr. Luca Dal Zilio, Dr. Albert De Monserrat Navarro and Prof. Taras V. Gerya. I developed a 2D unified and generalized solver that contains architecture-agnostic kernels targeting CPUs/GPUs for fully compressible two-phase porous media in Julia.
Feb 22, 2023 🪧 I am happy to share our recent work Resolving Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles with a GPU-based Accelerated Pseudo-Transient Solver has been accepted as an onsite-poster to the session SM8.1 - Physics-based earthquake modeling and engineering @ EGU General Assembly 2023 (EGU2023 🇦🇹).
Nov 16, 2022 ⚔️ I competed in SC22 Student Cluster Competition as part of the ETH Zürich student HPC Team “RACKlette”, at Dallas, TX 🇺🇸. I was responsible for the HPC App “PHASTA” and obtained top results. “PHASTA” is a HPC software which supports modeling compressible or incompressible, laminar or turbulent, steady or unsteady flows in 3D, using unstructured grids. See our experience report here.
Sep 14, 2020 🏫 I started my bachelor in Computational Science & Engineering at Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland 🇨🇭.