this site is my personal homepage. I am You.

My full name 吴莜 (Wú Yōu), including my surname Wu, means ‘carefree’ in Chinese when in its original order. However, in the Western world, the order of names is often switched, so on official documents, I go by You Wu.

I am from

Xiamen (📍 厦门), a subtropical island 🏝️ located on the southeast coast of China, overlooking the Taiwan Strait. Some of my best memories are just hanging out on the beach, walking by the sea with my mom, and playing fetch ⚾️ with my dog Nico.

I study

Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) at ETH Zürich. 🇨🇭 I am interested in high-performance computing and particularly in heterogeneous computing. I am also interested in physically based simulations. I have grown a keen interest in sparse linear algebra recently during my internship (09 - 11/2023) at ICL.

I am often quite content

with just sitting idle. I don’t really have hobbies that I engage in outside of work regularly. But every now and then, I might also feel a pulse to create something different, like carving a seal or doing some traditional Chinese ink-wash painting. Being in nature is super relaxing for me too, I love to walk slowly and I enjoy soaking in the peace a lot.